Welcome to Module 6 of the 1890 course on Implementing and Assessing Ideas. In this module, we will dive into the key considerations for successfully implementing ideas, developing an action plan, monitoring and evaluating the progress of implementation, and leveraging feedback for continuous improvement. By the end of this module, you will have the knowledge and skills to effectively implement and assess ideas, ensuring their successful execution.

Module Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

  1. Understand the key considerations in implementing ideas successfully
  2. Develop an action plan for implementing chosen ideas
  3. Monitor and evaluate the progress of implemented ideas
  4. Use feedback and results for further improvement


This module consists of the following lessons:

  1. Essential Considerations for Implementation
  2. Developing an Action Plan
  3. Monitoring and Evaluating Idea Implementation
  4. Leveraging Feedback for Improvement

Each lesson will cover important concepts and techniques that will support your understanding and application of the module’s learning objectives. Let’s take a closer look at each lesson:

Lesson 1: Essential Considerations for Implementation

In this lesson, you will explore the factors and considerations when transitioning ideas into action. You will learn how to overcome resistance to change and effectively manage expectations during the implementation process. Understanding these essential considerations will help you navigate potential challenges and increase the chances of successful idea implementation.

Lesson 2: Developing an Action Plan

In Lesson 2, you will learn how to develop a comprehensive action plan for the implementation of your chosen ideas. This lesson will guide you through the steps of creating an effective plan, identifying necessary resources, setting milestones, and involving relevant stakeholders. A well-developed action plan is essential for smooth execution and successful implementation of ideas.

Lesson 3: Monitoring and Evaluating Idea Implementation

Lesson 3 will introduce you to various techniques for monitoring the progress of idea implementation and evaluating outcomes. You will learn how to track progress, assess the effectiveness of implemented ideas, and analyze results to refine implementation strategies. Monitoring and evaluation are crucial aspects of the implementation process, as they enable you to make data-driven decisions and ensure continuous improvement.

Lesson 4: Leveraging Feedback for Improvement

The final lesson of this module will teach you how to leverage feedback from stakeholders and customers for continuous improvement. You will learn strategies for actively seeking feedback, analyzing feedback data, and incorporating improvement strategies based on the feedback received. Leveraging feedback effectively can enhance the success and impact of implemented ideas.


Congratulations on starting Module 6: Implementing and Assessing Ideas! As you progress through this module, remember to keep the learning objectives in mind and apply the knowledge and techniques provided in each lesson. By the end of this module, you will have the skills and understanding to implement ideas successfully, develop action plans, monitor progress, and continuously improve through feedback. Good luck with your learning journey!