Welcome to Lesson 2 of Module 3: Generating Ideas through Collaborative Teamwork. In this lesson, we will focus on the preparation phase of collaborative idea generation. Proper preparation is essential to ensure a productive and successful idea generation session. By the end of this lesson, you will have a clear understanding of the key steps involved in preparing for collaborative idea generation.

Objectives and Expectations

Before starting any collaborative idea generation session, it is crucial to set clear objectives and establish expectations. This step brings clarity and alignment among the team members, enabling them to work towards a common goal. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Define Objectives: Start by defining the specific objectives you aim to achieve through the idea generation session. Clearly articulate what problems you want to solve, what opportunities you want to explore, or what goals you want to accomplish.
  2. Communicate Objectives: Share the defined objectives with all team members. Clearly convey why these objectives are important, how they align with the overall project or organization, and how the team’s ideas will contribute to achieving them.
  3. Establish Expectations: Set expectations for the collaborative idea generation session. Discuss the level of participation required from each team member, the importance of active listening and respectful communication, and the need for open-mindedness and divergent thinking. Encourage a non-judgmental and safe space where everyone feels comfortable sharing their ideas.

Selecting Team Members

It is essential to carefully select team members for a collaborative idea generation session. The right mix of individuals will contribute to the diversity of ideas and perspectives, leading to more innovative solutions. Follow these guidelines when selecting team members:

  1. Diverse Expertise: Ensure that team members possess a diverse range of skills, knowledge, and expertise related to the problem or opportunity you are addressing. This diversity will enhance the quality of ideas generated and provide a more comprehensive understanding of the issue.
  2. Different Perspectives: Look for individuals with varying backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. Different perspectives allow for a broader exploration of solutions and prevent groupthink – a phenomenon where the group tends to conform to a single viewpoint.
  3. Collaborative Attitude: Choose team members who are open to collaboration, willing to listen and build upon others’ ideas, and have strong interpersonal skills. Collaboration requires effective communication and teamwork.

Establishing Team Roles

Assigning roles within the team helps distribute responsibilities and ensures that everyone’s strengths are utilized effectively. Consider the following roles when establishing team roles:

  1. Facilitator: Assign a facilitator who will lead the idea generation session. The facilitator’s role is to guide the discussion, manage time, encourage participation, and ensure that everyone’s ideas are heard and valued.
  2. Note-taker: Appoint someone to take notes during the session. The note-taker captures key points, ideas, and any important discussions. These notes will be valuable references for future discussions and idea evaluation.
  3. Timekeeper: Designate a team member to keep track of time. The timekeeper ensures that the session stays on schedule and that all agenda items are addressed within the allotted time.
  4. Idea Champion: Identify an idea champion responsible for summarizing and presenting the generated ideas to stakeholders or decision-makers. The idea champion ensures that the ideas are communicated effectively and opportunities for implementation are explored.


In Lesson 2, we focused on the preparation phase of collaborative idea generation. We learned about the importance of setting objectives and expectations, selecting appropriate team members, and establishing their roles. By following these steps, you can create a well-prepared and collaborative environment for effective idea generation.

In the next lesson, we will explore techniques and strategies for facilitating collaborative idea generation sessions. So stay tuned!