
In the previous lessons, we learned about the concept of idea generation, the connection between creativity and idea generation, and the common obstacles that hinder the generation of new ideas. In this lesson, we will dive deeper into various techniques and approaches to stimulate idea generation. We will particularly focus on brainstorming methods and mind mapping as a tool to generate a wide range of ideas.

Brainstorming Methods and Approaches

Brainstorming is a popular technique used to generate a large number of ideas in a short period of time. There are several brainstorming methods and approaches that you can utilize to stimulate idea generation.

Traditional Brainstorming

Traditional brainstorming involves a group of individuals coming together to generate ideas based on a specific challenge or problem. Here’s how you can conduct a traditional brainstorming session:

  1. Select a facilitator who will guide the brainstorming session.
  2. Clearly state the challenge or problem that needs to be addressed.
  3. Encourage all participants to freely share their ideas without any judgment or criticism.
  4. Write down all ideas on a whiteboard or flip chart for everyone to see.
  5. Build upon each other’s ideas and encourage participants to expand or modify existing ideas.
  6. Once the brainstorming session is complete, review and evaluate the generated ideas to identify the most promising ones.


Brainwriting is a variation of traditional brainstorming that involves individuals writing down their ideas on paper before sharing them with the group. This allows for more individual reflection and avoids groupthink. Here’s how you can conduct a brainwriting session:

  1. Distribute paper and writing utensils to each participant.
  2. Clearly state the challenge or problem that needs to be addressed.
  3. Set a time limit for participants to individually write down their ideas.
  4. After the time limit, have participants pass their papers to the person next to them.
  5. Each participant reads the ideas on the paper they received and builds upon them or generates new ideas.
  6. Repeat the process of passing papers and generating ideas several times.
  7. Once the brainwriting session is complete, collect all the papers and review the generated ideas.

Reverse Brainstorming

Reverse brainstorming is a technique where instead of generating solutions or ideas, you focus on generating problems or obstacles associated with a specific challenge or problem. Here’s how you can conduct a reverse brainstorming session:

  1. Clearly state the challenge or problem that needs to be addressed.
  2. Invert the challenge or problem by asking, “How can we make the situation worse?” or “What are the obstacles preventing us from finding a solution?”
  3. Encourage all participants to freely share their ideas on generating problems or obstacles.
  4. Write down all the generated problems or obstacles on a whiteboard or flip chart.
  5. Once the reverse brainstorming session is complete, evaluate the generated problems or obstacles and find ways to overcome them.

Mind Mapping as a Tool for Idea Generation

Mind mapping is a visual tool that helps organize and generate ideas by connecting related concepts and drawing associations. It allows you to explore different perspectives, make connections between ideas, and spark creative thinking. Here’s how you can use mind mapping for idea generation:

  1. Start with a central idea or concept related to the challenge or problem you are trying to address.
  2. Write down the central idea in the center of a blank page or a mind mapping software.
  3. Branch out from the central idea by drawing lines or branches and writing related concepts or ideas.
  4. Connect the branches and concepts that are related or have similarities.
  5. Keep expanding the mind map by adding new branches and ideas.
  6. Use colors, symbols, and images to visually enhance the mind map and stimulate creativity.
  7. Review the mind map and identify the most promising ideas or connections.


In this lesson, we explored various techniques for stimulating idea generation. We learned about different brainstorming methods and approaches, including traditional brainstorming, brainwriting, and reverse brainstorming. We also discovered how mind mapping can be used as a tool to generate and organize ideas. By employing these techniques, you can unlock your creative thinking abilities and generate a wide range of innovative ideas to address challenges and problems.